Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Ahhh!!! the "Avocado"; the fruit Crossfitters have come to love the most and traditional dieters fear.  Usually the fear is the fat it contains but what most don't know or care to find out is that the fat it contains isn't bad for you.  Its the kind of fat (monounsaturated) the breaks down in your body easier which makes it more readily available for an energy source.  Along with energy, consumption of avocado can be a preventive to Breast, Oral and Prostate Cancer, it aids in lowering Cholesterol, as well as aiding in Nutrient Absorption.  It is important to make sure to eat it in proper moderation (servings).  Proper moderation can differ per person; the average avocado has 30g of fat.  If you consider a serving or a block (Zoners) of fat to be 1.5g (1 tablespoon) than you should get roughly 20 servings per avocado.  So for those that didn't know, now you can slice up that avocado and put it on whatever you want without and know that you are getting healthier wtih every bite.

For more information on the facts stated above, visit

Friday, July 1, 2011

"Odyssey Outdoor Training"

Bored with running on the Treadmill or doing 30 minutes on the Elliptical just to barely break a sweat? Get outside and challenge yourself to do better and get fit with Odyssey Outdoor Training; schedule your free workout today: 512-744-3880

"Importance of Fish Oil Supplementation"

Studies have proven that high concentrations of fish oil can be used to dramatically reduce inflammation, resulting in weight loss, improved blood chemistry and better overall health. More clinical research has shown that fatty acids, even when used to supplement a very poor diet, can help lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, MS, bipolar depression, ADHD, chronic pain and Alzheimer’s—all because fish oils reduce inflammation.

This is just the short list of benefits from taking fish oil.  Check out what Dr. Barry Sears, the author of "Enter the Zone" has to say about fish oil supplementation.